In the Green Party, caucuses function as Identity Caucuses: a grouping of Greens, not explicitly ideological in nature, that has historically failed to attain adequate access to power in society at-large and/or within the Green movement. Currently, the national party includes Black, Latinx, Lavender, Women’s and Youth Caucuses.
Caucuses help bring greater diversity to the Green Party, and help ensure that the Green Party is hearing from historically under-represented people and taking up their concerns and needs. They allow people who identify as Black, LGBT, women, youth, or Latino as well as Green to come together in their own space within the party. Among their possible activities:
- They may promote the Green Party in their communities and recruit new members.
- They may give a voice to their members within the Green Party, through membership on the National Committee and other leadership bodies, or taking positions on certain proposals or internal policy matters.
- They may promote policy issues that matter to their members within or outside the Party
- They may recruit or promote candidates and officeholders that represent their communities.
As per the the INGP Bylaws:
“Three or more INGP Members may request to form a local or regional caucus and elect a delegate to the CC and Congress.”
In line with National Green Party Caucuses, the following caucuses currently need leadership in Indiana:
Disability Caucus
Latinx Caucus
Indigenous Caucus
Young Ecosocialist Caucus
Black Caucus
Lavender Greens Caucus