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The Firefly: Connecting Indiana Greens

The Firefly: Connecting Indiana Greens

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The Firefly: Connecting Indiana Greens

Visitor, the Indiana Green Party was disheartened last month with the unfavorable ruling from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals where a three judge panel upheld the dismissal of our lawsuit by the lower courts. In response, the Indiana Green Party on September 9th filed a request for a rehearing en banc (where the entire 7th Circuit Court of 11 Justices hear the appeal). In the filing the Party argues that the ruling by the Panel "sets a dangerous new precedent by inviting lower courts to eschew the mandatory Anderson-Burdick analysis anytime they deem an election law challenge not to present a 'close' case." A majority of the 7th Circuit Justices must now agree to hear our exceptionally important case on ballot access in Indiana. 

Equally as disappointing was the decision by the Indiana Secretary of State to deny the Nominations by Signature petitions for the Jill Stein for President campaign. Even though our local Greens put in a lot of hard work and the Stein campaign made a tremendous investment in Indiana (including several appearance of Jill Stein in the Hoosier State) the over 55,000 signatures submitted were not enough to convince the Indiana Secretary of State that Indiana wants a third-party option.


The Indiana Green Party is fighting to have your voice and your values on every ballot in Indiana. For us to continue to push for legal remedies from the courts, for us to get the signatures drives going for Green candidates, for us to make a difference in our Hoosier environmental policy we need your support. Consider making a contribution to our local efforts today so we can make Indiana better for tomorrow by visiting our Indiana Green Party Contribution page


Indiana Green Party Annual Member Congress

Sunday, October 6, 2024 3pm Eastern / 2pm Central

Virtual Meeting via ZOOM

The annual Indiana Green Party Congress is a gathering of environmental and justice advocates to conduct our state party business, engage in platform development and participate in presentations. As we continue in our commitment to include Greens from across the state, our meeting will once again be held virtually. Party members and friends will be able to connect through your computer or smart phone or for those with landlines there is a conference call number. The Indiana Green Party is excited about our work since last years Congress and we will be sharing with you what we have been doing as well as strategically planning for the coming year.


Registration is Open!


Since this years Congress is virtual the registration is free. You can complete your registration on our Congress information page located on our website link to the ZOOM meeting (with conference call information for those who do not have internet access) will be sent out before the meeting to those who have registered. 


In order to vote during Congress you will need to be a member in good standing with the Indiana Green Party. Joining the Indiana Green Party is simple and you can review our membership page for our annual membership options

September Statewide Green Party ZOOM


Sept 2024 Meeting

Indiana Greens gather virtually once a month to network around our Green Initiatives across the state. Turn on your cameras as we video conference from all corners of the Hoosier state! Join us on Zoom on Thursday, September 26th, 2024, at 8:30 PM Eastern / 7:30 PM Central time.

You do not have to be member to join the meeting, just interested in the Green Party as we share ideas and information. All are welcome, We will share updates and provide information from the work of the Indiana Green Party. Creating a community is crucial for the growth of the party, so we encourage you to get involved and make a difference. We can't wait to see you there!


Link to Statewide Zoom Meeting 

Indiana Green Party Statewide Zoom Meeting

Scheduled for 

Thursday, September 26th at 8:30pm Eastern / 7:30pm Central

 For Phone/Voice only:  312 626 6799.  Meeting ID: 891 3088 8551

Interested in Running for a State Party Office?

There are several state party positions that will be up for election at our Congress. The elections are for one (1) year terms and serve as the guiding administrative and organizing team for your Indiana Green Party action in the coming year. Below is a brief synopsis of the positions, but please review the bylaws for a full description of responsibilities and expectations. To nominate yourself or someone for a position, please complete the form by clicking the Submit a Nomination button on our Congress webpage.

Positions up for election

Green Party Green State AdvocateChairperson – The primary spokesperson for the Indiana Green Party, responsible for directing the development, growth and administration of the Party. The Chair manages the monthly Coordinating Committee meeting, the executive committee and the annual member Congress.

Co-Chair – Assists with the duties of the chair, including filling in for the chair when not able to lead Coordinating Committee meetings or Congress.

Treasurer – Serving as the keeper of the cash assets of the party, the treasurer makes and records deposits, manages the expense of the party, and files by the due date all financial reports as required to the Indiana Elections Commission Campaign Finance Division. It is recommended that persons considering this position read the Indiana Campaign Finance Manual before accepting a nomination, the pdf can be found at this link: Indiana Campaign Finance Manual

INGP Green PersonCommunications Director – Manages the general social media, website and newsletter of the Indiana Green Party. They will also handle various media contacts, press releases and other communications tasks.

Documentarian – As the designated recording secretary of the Indiana Green Party, the Documentarian will manage our membership list, record the minutes of our monthly Coordinating Committee meeting, and record the minutes of our Annual Congress. They will also maintain key documents of the party and our historical record.

Green Party US National Delegate (2 positions plus 1 alternate) – Being a recognized state party of the Green Party US, we have two voting positions to the National Committee. The delegates will also engage in national party meetings, platform development and voting throughout the year. In addition to the 2 voting delegate positions, the Indiana Green Party has the ability to designate an Alternate National Delegate. The position of Alternate National Delegate will be awarded to the next candidate, if any, that crosses the 50% threshold in the continuation of the ranked choice voting process for the National Delegate.

Bylaw Revisions Submitted for Consideration

Ten bylaw revisions have been submitted for our upcoming INGP Congress. You can review each of the proposed amendments at the bottom of Congress  Information page. Nine of the proposals were submitted by our documentarian James which alter various parts of our bylaws to clarify or align with current practices. These include changing in wording regarding membership, participation/voting in the INGP Congress and delegates to the GUS Nominating Convention.

Green Party PersonThe Northwest Indiana Green Party has submitted a complete bylaw rewrite that proposes a radical shift in the structure and organization of the Indiana Green Party. Coming off two major ballot access defeats in Indiana it was made clear that the way we are structured is not producing the results we need for getting Green candidates on the Ballot. The most recent 5 Green Party candidates to appear on their local ballots were all from Northwest Indiana which has been one of the two-ish Green locals that is functioning.

The proposal from the Northwest Indiana Green Party is to transition to an empowered county-focused system more aligned with the needs of local candidates and the requirement and structure they need to get on the ballot. All of the county's co-organizers will gather to form our State Central Committee. Under the Central Committee will be three primary councils. The Administrative Council will oversee the legal and financial responsibilities. The Operations Council that will manage the day-to-day operations of the Party from social media, communications, candidate resourcing and database management. The Platform Council will be tasked with creating our Indiana focused Green agenda under a consensus decision making model. You can read the entire proposal as a PDF here.

‍Join the Party!

Now is the time to join the party that is focused on our Green movement of environmental justice, human rights and democracy. Your annual membership connects you to our grassroots movement. Help us to push Indiana into the Green Revolution.

We need your voice in how to move us forward in every community in Indiana. Membership in the Green Party connects you to Greens throughout the state and includes you in our Annual Congress business meeting. Click on your membership level to send in your secure, online membership.

‍For those who have a financial hardship and would like to request free or reduced membership, please complete our free membership form.

‍Support Green Candidates

The Indiana Green Party supports Green Candidates throughout Indiana. Running for office takes a lot of time, effort, and emotional support. These tireless efforts on the local level also need your financial support. Make a contribution today to help us to paint every ballot across Indiana Green! Click on the button below to make a contribution today. If you would like more information about running for your local office contact us, message us on facebook, or reply to this email. If you are considering running in 2025 or 2026 now is the time to start getting organized!


Your contributions to our Indiana focused Green Movement helps to spread the message and develop our next generation of environmental and justice focused candidates. Support your Indiana Greens with your contribution today.

The Indiana Green Party is a registered political party with the state of Indiana. Contributions are subject to Indiana's campaign finance regulations and reporting requirements. 


‍Interested in joining our work for a Green Indiana?

We are always looking for volunteers to help our grassroots movement. From advocacy to political action we have needs across the state and in your local area. We also are looking for Greens to run in local offices as we show Hoosiers the power of the people. To find out more how you can become more involved with your Green Party, click here to contact us!

‍Tell your friends about our work for Hoosier democracy, environment and human rights. We are looking to form new groups across the state. If you are interested in learning about how you can organize with us in your local community, reach out to us!

‍Updates from Your Local Greens

‍You can find out more about our local Green Party groups across Indiana at If you don't see one in your area and would be interesting in organizing a gathering send us an email or contact us through the website.


Vigo County GPSince the last Firefly, the Vigo County Green Party has been having meetings to spread the Green Party. In late September/early October VCGP events are as follows:

Terre Haute Pride, September 21, 2024 at 3-8pm at ISU Quad =  LINK

September 2024 VCGP in-person meet and greet, September 28, 2024 at 1-3pm at Grand Traverse Pie Company, 75 N. 3rd St =  LINK

Eugene V. Debs Awards banquet, September 28, 2024 at 6:00p.m. at Terre Haute Convention Center =  LINK

October 2024 VCGP membership meeting, October 9, 2024 at 7:00p.m. = LINK

Plans still in the future are to attend local government events and rallies [LINK] to help grow the Green Party in 2024 and in the future.


 Sarah at INGP Table

NWIGP LogoThe Northwest Indiana Green Party was once again out in the rain at the Valparaiso Popcorn Festival promoting our local eco-organizing efforts aross the region. Undaunted by the cold rain that soaked everything in the morning our group stuck it out to share our Green Party values. We continued to share our love for the butterflies by handing out over 4,000 milkweed seeds that will be planted throughout our region next spring! Throughout the day several of our members staffed our table, most of the time standing in front handing out information about our grassroots Green movement. It was an exhausting and successful day for NWI Greens. 

NWI Green Party PopcornAfter several years of having our little radically environmental and progressive booth on the courthouse square our 10x10 spot was moved to the far edge of the event area. Yet the spot where we had for many years was vacant. The two party duopoly with their big tents in the heart of the festival area are getting scared about our growing support in the region and wanted us far away. Your Northwest Indiana will continue to challenge their quieting of our voice from not only in the festivals but also on our ballots.

The Northwest Indiana Green Party will gather for next strategizing on Sunday, October 18th at 2:00pm. We are be meeting in the Portage History Room at the Portage Public Library at 2665 Irving St, Portage. Sit with us at the old mayor's desk and strategize with us about eco-action and community advocacy.

Making da noise
Green Party Indiana

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The Indiana Green Party is a recognized state party of the Green Party US

Copyright 2024 Indiana Green Party

Paid for the Indiana Green Party, a registered political party with the State of Indiana Elections Division