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Jill Stein

Regarding Jill Stein and Ballot Access

We have been fielding a lot of emails asking if Hoosier will be able to write-in our Green Party Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein and her running mate Professor Butch Ware this November. Unfortunately, Jill Stein will not be on the Indiana Ballot and is not a recognized write-in. We submitted over 55,000 signatures to our local county elections boards but the petition was denied by the Indiana Secretary of State. Because of the very restrictive processes (which we sued the state) and the arbitrary deadlines a candidate can not pursue both a spot on the ballot and being a declared write-in. This means Hoosiers are one of only 4 states that will not have the option to cast a vote for our Green candidate. While you can still write in Jill Stein on your ballot those votes will not be recorded on precinct tallies. As one Hoosier Green wrote to us “this may be the first election in my 66 years of life that I may not vote. I will not vote for genocide and forever war.”

2024 INGP Congress Results!

We are thrilled to announce the results of our recent elections! Congratulations to the newly elected officers who will be leading our party with energy and vision into the future:

Pluto Brand – Re-elected as State Chair
Sarah Dillon – Elected as Assistant Party Chair and National Party Delegate
Mitsy Soellinger – Elected as National Party Delegate
Joseph Conn – Elected as Alternate National Party Delegate

Thank you to all who participated in the election, and let’s keep working hand in hand to build a better tomorrow!

The Indiana Green Party is a co-federation of politically focused environmentalists, justice activists and peace advocates. We are neither a non-profit nor a conservation club. We are a recognized political party in Indiana disrupting the ineffective status-quo with our progressive and civic-minded Green values-based agenda. Our focus is on civic action at the local level throughout the Hoosier state. Our goal is to bring Greens to the policy-making tables of elected and appointed office where we can make the most effective change for the protection of our environment and for the health of our communities.


INGP Party Chair Pluto Brand’s Statement on Israel War

As a Jewish person and the State Chair of the Indiana Green Party, I firmly condemn the acts of genocide and apartheid perpetrated by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people. These actions are not only morally reprehensible but also constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity under Article 7 of the Rome Statute.

Please follow link to read the full statement.

The Firefly: Connecting Indiana Greens

Stay Connected with your Indiana Green Party

Our email newsletter The Firefly will keep you informed about our Green Movement in Indiana. Provide your contact information to be added to our distribution list for our next issue. You can check out the most current issue by checking out our Newsletter Page.

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Hoosier-centered political action built on our Green Values

Our Indiana Green movement spans the entire state from the Great Lake to the Ohio River. As a co-federation of local Greens we are united in the grassroots by the four-pillars of the Green Party. From our movements first passion around our environmentalism to embracing the progressive values of peace, human rights democracy, our movement is focused on the values we share. We are Hoosiers and we believe that lives, communities and our environment can be improved by our direct, political action. Discover the four-pillars of Green movement and join us in our efforts to improve our lands, waters, peoples and communities.

Ecological Wisdom and Eco-Action

“I urge all of our citizens to act responsibly to alleviate the pollution menace to the environment…
Our educational institutions have the expertise and capability both to inform us of present dangers resulting from the ways we use our natural resources and to define and develop new technologies and systems needed to abate the pollution problem”

Indiana Governor Edgar Whitcomb, 1970 Executive Order
endorsing Earth Day activities in Indiana

From the dunes of the Great Lake to the conflux of the Wabash River our state of Indiana encompasses a huge and diverse natural ecology. The Indiana Green Party recognizes the importance that our Hoosier lands have been from the days of the frontier through the industrial age while understanding that the future longevity, productivity and enjoyment means that we transition our stewardship with a keener focus on conservation and restoration. We are a collaborative Hoosier effort uniting scientists, engineers, health professionals, artists, advocates, students from all our professions to sustain and repair our green and blue and only planet.

Nonviolence and Peace Work

“…that in this time of world-wide disturbance and of national concern, they assert their belief in international principles of justice of justice and humanity and that they give expression to their opposition to militaristic legislation in our own country … and to the introduction of militaristic ideals into American education.
Jane Addams, Chair of the National Woman’s Peace Party to the Farmer’s National Congress in Convention assembled at Indianapolis, Indiana, on 19th of October, 1916

Indiana has a long history of grassroots peace action. Our peace-focused history echos from the words scribed in our state poem, “Indiana is the garden where the seeds of peace have grow”. The Indiana Green Party proudly tends those seeds of peace planted and nurtured in the soils of Indiana by our great poets, farmers, and suffragettes. We tend those seeds today to counter the modern militarism in our local communities that undermine human rights, assaults our public education system and taints with distrust our systems of democracy.

Social Justice and Human Rights

“The law can’t make you love me, but it can keep you from lynching me. Laws can’t change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless. Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated.”
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,
speech in South Bend, Indiana, October 18, 1963

As Hoosiers we take pride in our values of social equality, justice and responsibility. From our state’s abolitionist roots the Indiana Green Party continues our tradition of bringing into our political dialogue the plight of the poor, marginalized and struggling among us. We pledge to encounter systemic and emerging racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, exploitation, fascism and intolerance in whatever form it takes with Hoosier determination and Hoosier perseverance.

Democracy and Civic Engagement

That all power is inherent in the people; and all free Governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends, they have at all times an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter or reform their Government in such manner as they may think proper.
Indiana Constitution of 1816

Your Indiana Green Party is working to change the political makeup of our city, county and state leadership by bring Green Party candidates to your ballot. Our civic engagement stretches beyond the ballot box as Greens stand before city councils to advocate through public comment and as Greens bring our values door to door.

Contribute to the Party


‍The Indiana Green Party is a registered political party with the state of Indiana. Contributions are subject to Indiana’s campaign finance regulations and reporting requirements. They are also not tax-deductible.

Support Our Party!

The Indiana Green Party advocates and operates through the generous support of Greens throughout Indiana. Contributing to the Indiana Green Party allows us to expand our local Greens organizations, cultivate our peace and democracy efforts and resource Green candidates around the state.

Grow Our Party!

Interested in Joining our work for a Green Indiana?
We are always looking for volunteers to help our grassroots movement. From advocacy to political action we have needs across the state and in your local area. We also are looking for Greens to run in local offices in 2023 to show the power of the people. To find out more how you can become more involved with your Indiana Green Party complete our volunteer information form!

Join Our Party!

Now is the time to join the party that is focused on our Green movement of environmental justice, human rights and democracy. Your annual membership connects you to our grassroots movement. Help us to push Indiana into the Green Revolution.

Contribute to the Party
